Help Shape The Future Of Sealand

Help Shape The Future Of Sealand
Nachrichten aus Seeland
Wir bitten unsere Unterstützer um Ideen, die zur Gestaltung und Sicherung der Zukunft des Fürstentums Sealand beitragen können.

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33 Gedanken zu “Help Shape The Future Of Sealand

Larry Covarry

I want to help Sealand in some way !!!
Let me think about this and get back to you ….

July 23, 2023 at 18:51pm

Hello there, if you need any help for web development matter or related fields, I can provide support

July 21, 2023 at 20:14pm
Paul Agrapidis


I was soldier with the infantry and heavy artillery battalion. I am out now but I am very physically fit and as with every nation, an army no matter how small it is, its need it. I would gladly become a citizen and a soldier of Sealand to train or server in case of emergency or war under Sealand as well.

I saw some comments above suggesting this and should you be interested I can come to Sealand and discuss. A uniform created for potential people to join the army would bring a lot of citizens. Im not talking about a paid army at this point but a volunteer army. Would require a citizenship in order to be part.of the army. Asnsealand is small a small volunteer army is enough and if people do not require to live there but maybe come every half a year ie for training etc would attract a lot of citizens.

Many thanks

July 21, 2023 at 11:17am

Taking into account the small territory, gambling and financial services seem to be the most promising. Gambling is about 40% of GDP in Macau and Monaco is also well-known due to their casino. Stock exchange also doesn’t require a lot of territory.

Sealand could be a “digital” state with a real physical territory. Sealand could have a Sealand Central Bank to process payments and accounts, its own currency (yeah, I know about SX$ coins, but I mean non-cash for financial operations) and cryptocurrency, crypto exchange and maybe later a “classical” exchange.

July 18, 2023 at 23:09pm
Aaron Mcsorley

Hi greetings from ireland maybe make the platform bigger

July 16, 2023 at 12:40pm

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