Principality Notice Pn 025/04: International Sporting Activities Update

Principality Notice PN 025/04: International Sporting Activities update. Football: The Principality is pleased to note the successful completion of last season of its National Football Team, hosted by the Danish football team in Vestbjerg.

We are pleased to appoint them again to serve us for the current season, and look forward to another year of the sporting excellence so well demonstrated last season. We are proud to have them officially to represent our country in their international schedule of matches for 2004-5, and note that amongst its matches scheduled for this season it is hoped to arrange a fixture with Tibet.

Athletics: We note the continued success and achievement of our Athleta Principalitas, Darren Blackburn, in his marathon running (an interesting feature article covered some of his competitive activities and can be found in a recent issue of the Toronto Star) and would like also to pay special tribute to Slader Oviatt, who recently carried our flag to the top of Muztag Ata, the tallest peak in Asia.

Our congratulations to him for his mountaineering achievements. The Principality is also considering formal recognition of further Sportsmen who have excelled in their various fields and who have expressed an interest to contribute to the international sporting community as representatives of the Principality.

Appointments and activities will be reported when available. Further queries to the Bureau of Internal Affairs [

], Principality of Sealand, SEALAND 1001 (c/o Sealand Post Bag, IP11 9SZ, UK)