Sealand Passport

Sealand Passport
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114 thoughts on “Sealand Passport

Hameed Rasikh

Hi there
This is Hameed Rasikh from California/USA and I am interested to apply for Seeland citizenship

October 16, 2023 at 19:22pm
Fares jamal

Hey this is faris i am really interested in your country sea land i just saw on YouTube by the vloger nas daily and i want to be a citizen in your country

October 15, 2023 at 22:06pm
Hirday Narayan Gupta

I like sheland

October 15, 2023 at 11:36am
Jesus Alberto Marín Hurtado

Interested in joining your communinty and acquiring a diplomatic passport as well

October 13, 2023 at 03:14am
Hayder Hashim sarhan

Welcome. How are you? I am very interested and I hope to obtain a regular passport. Please write to me on WhatsApp number 009647822210495.

October 4, 2023 at 18:51pm

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