⏱️60 Minutes Featuring Sealand This Sunday - A CBS News Thanksgiving Treat!

CBS News Exclusive: Sealand's Special "60 Minutes" Feature This Thanksgiving Weekend
Силанд Новости

Dear Sealand Community,

As we embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving, we are thrilled to announce a truly special event this weekend. This Thanksgiving, one of the most exciting visits to our Principality will be featured on⏱️60 Minutes, CBS News.

This Sunday, 26th November, at 7:00-8:00 ET/PT join us in watching Jon Wertheim, the esteemed correspondent from "60 Minutes", as he embarks on an extraordinary journey to Sealand. Titled "Sealand | Sunday on 60 Minutes," this segment promises an exclusive and riveting exploration of our unique nation.


Sealand, a beacon of independence and resilience since 1967, may be small in size, but it shines with boundless spirit and character. This feature is a unique opportunity to share our rich history, core values, and the enduring essence of our extraordinary sovereign state with a global audience.

We cordially invite our nobles and supporters to clear their schedules for this Sunday. Tune in to CBS News and join us in celebrating this momentous occasion. Your continued support and fervent enthusiasm play an essential role in safeguarding the enduring legacy of our nation.

Additionally, we encourage you to share this news far and wide. Let's make this Thanksgiving weekend one for the history books as we share our story with the world on⏱️60 Minutes.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here's to a weekend of thanksgiving, celebration, and the indomitable spirit of Sealand!


Subscribe to the “60 Minutes” YouTube channel for more. Catch the full episode here. Don't forget to join the conversation on Sealand's social media channels:

Let's unite in front of our screens this Sunday for a momentous showcase on CBS News'⏱️60 Minutes! 📺🌊🏰

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3 pensieri su “⏱️60 Minutes Featuring Sealand This Sunday - A CBS News Thanksgiving Treat!

Gabriela Rocha

I want offer my daughter a Lady classic title.
I saw today “60 minutes”
Do I benefit a discount?
I’m from Portugal

Best regards

December 3, 2023 at 16:29pm
Baron DannyLeeAwesome

I can’t wait to see the piece by 60mins! And it airs on my birthday! Weeeee! E MARE LIBERTAS!

November 25, 2023 at 01:48am
Lord Michael of Sealand


Why don’t you set up a chat forum which is open only to those who have purchased a Sealand title?
If you really want to get a proper community going this is the way to do it!


November 24, 2023 at 05:56am

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