Princess Mei of Sealand Prepares for Historic London Marathon Run in Support of Aspire

Princess Mei of Sealand Prepares for Historic London Marathon Run in Support of Aspire
Силанд Новости


Princess Mei of Sealand is known for her passion for fitness and unwavering support of charitable works. Her decision to run the London Marathon on April 21st 2024 embodies the spirit of our Principality while raising vital funds for Aspire. Let's learn more about her inspiration and how this links to Sealand's dedication to the Sealand Swims in collaboration with Aspire.


Principality of Sealand: Princess Mei, your dedication to running is impressive. Alongside inspiring a healthy lifestyle, how does this prepare you for a challenge like the London Marathon?

Princess Mei: Running helps build the endurance needed for long-distance events. Each challenging run builds mental fortitude and prepares me for the physical demands of the Marathon.

Principality of Sealand: For years, you and Prince Michael of Sealand supported the Sealand Swims, collaborating with Aspire to raise awareness for spinal cord injury. Could you share how this partnership sparked your determination to run the marathon?

Princess Mei: Witnessing the incredible courage of the Sealand Swim participants made me eager to take my support to the next level. It's also my privilege to help shine a greater light on the fantastic work Aspire does and how they benefit individuals with spinal cord injuries.

Principality of Sealand: Running a marathon and supporting the Sealand Swims both require perseverance and determination. As Princess of Sealand, how do you feel these events mirror our Principality's values?

Princess Mei: Like the Sealand Swims, the London Marathon challenges everyone involved to push their limits and support a greater cause. Sealand was founded on resilience; that same spirit motivates the swimmers, the marathon runners, and those who graciously support both Aspire and our Principality.

Principality of Sealand: The London Marathon is iconic, known worldwide. What does participating in this global event mean to you?

Princess Mei: While it's a dream come true to run the London Marathon, it's an even greater honour to do so with Sealand in my heart - using this platform to help bring more awareness to Aspire and our shared mission.

Principality of Sealand: We all look forward to supporting you through the London Marathon journey. Can you tell us more about your fundraising efforts and how the Sealand community can play a role?

Princess Mei: Donations through this page are greatly appreciated. I also encourage our Sealand community to show their support on social media for both the marathon and the upcoming Sealand Swims 2024, starting on June 1st.


Princess Mei's commitment to pushing her boundaries while embracing Sealand's charitable values is inspiring! We support her in this challenge and look forward to watching her cross that finish line.

Let's rally behind Princess Mei and our Sealand Swim heroes as they champion Aspire and demonstrate the enduring generosity of the Principality of Sealand!


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3 réflexions sur “Princess Mei of Sealand Prepares for Historic London Marathon Run in Support of Aspire

Baron George Day

I am so proud of our great princess! As soon as I get paycheck, I will donate!

March 17, 2024 at 12:53pm
Baron Danny Lee Awesome

What a great cause.

March 3, 2024 at 05:57am

Aspire sounds like they’re doing great things. What might the futurehold for spinal injury patients using Neuralink?

February 22, 2024 at 00:24am

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