Ajuda a Moldar o Futuro da Sealand | Principado da Sealand

Help Shape The Future Of Sealand
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33 pensieri su “Ajuda a Moldar o Futuro da Sealand | Principado da Sealand

Larry Covarry

I want to help Sealand in some way !!!
Let me think about this and get back to you ….

July 23, 2023 at 18:51pm

Hello there, if you need any help for web development matter or related fields, I can provide support

July 21, 2023 at 20:14pm
Paul Agrapidis


I was soldier with the infantry and heavy artillery battalion. I am out now but I am very physically fit and as with every nation, an army no matter how small it is, its need it. I would gladly become a citizen and a soldier of Sealand to train or server in case of emergency or war under Sealand as well.

I saw some comments above suggesting this and should you be interested I can come to Sealand and discuss. A uniform created for potential people to join the army would bring a lot of citizens. Im not talking about a paid army at this point but a volunteer army. Would require a citizenship in order to be part.of the army. Asnsealand is small a small volunteer army is enough and if people do not require to live there but maybe come every half a year ie for training etc would attract a lot of citizens.

Many thanks

July 21, 2023 at 11:17am

Taking into account the small territory, gambling and financial services seem to be the most promising. Gambling is about 40% of GDP in Macau and Monaco is also well-known due to their casino. Stock exchange also doesn’t require a lot of territory.

Sealand could be a “digital” state with a real physical territory. Sealand could have a Sealand Central Bank to process payments and accounts, its own currency (yeah, I know about SX$ coins, but I mean non-cash for financial operations) and cryptocurrency, crypto exchange and maybe later a “classical” exchange.

July 18, 2023 at 23:09pm
Aaron Mcsorley

Hi greetings from ireland maybe make the platform bigger

July 16, 2023 at 12:40pm

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